Code of Conduct
The following code of conduct consolidates the basic company principles we have established over the years. This code of conduct applies with binding effect for us all, from senior executives to management staff and each and every employee.
1. Preamble
Since the company‘s foundation in 1948, respect, responsibility, trust and appreciation have always been part and parcel of LEIBINGER‘s relations with its customers, business partners, employees and the environment. This has enabled our growth and made compliance with the law a matter of course for us.
We have a joint responsibility to the Paul LEIBINGER enterprise. It falls to each and every one of us to uphold the ethos of the company in our actions – not least given that the health and stability of the company is the basis of job security for us all. Misconduct on the part of individuals not only damages our reputation, but can also cause enormous economic harm.

Christina Leibinger
The following code of conduct consolidates the basic company principles we have established over the years. This code of conduct applies with binding effect for us all, from senior executives to management staff and each and every employee.
We expect our employees to demonstrate their commitment to responsible, fair and ethical behavior towards colleagues, national and international business partners, and external parties. Only through such conduct can we continue the successful corporate growth achieved to date. Each and every one of us is a LEIBINGER ambassador – requiring us all to act within the spirit of the company by observing the following rules and standards with commitment and dedication.
Christina Leibinger
CEO Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG
2. Fundamental principles of the Paul LEIBINGER company
2.1 In the internal business environment
LEIBINGER cultivates a culture of equal opportunity, mutual trust, reliability and respect. We do not discriminate when recruiting employees, considering promotions or when granting training and further education programs. We treat all employees equally, regardless of gender, age, color, culture, ethnic background, sexual orientation, disability, illness, religious affiliation or ideology.
We observe the statutory provisions regarding fair working conditions, including those concerned with pay and working hours.
LEIBINGER respects human dignity; we observe internationally recognized human rights and support compliance with such. Each individual employee is responsible for ensuring compliance with these fundamental rights. We vehemently reject any form of forced or child labor. The minimum age for starting work must not be lower than the statutory school-leaving age and must be 16 at the very least.
Employee health and safety is one of our declared company goals. Health and safety at work is consequently a firm component of our internal processes. When undertaking modifications, new projects etc., these aspects are factored in at the planning stage. Every manager is also responsible for ensuring that their employees are given training, ongoing instruction and support in safety-relevant matters.
LEIBINGER provides a safe and healthy work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. We greatly value the commitment of our employees and create a working environment that enables us to attract and keep qualified personnel through the:
- Cultivation of a corporate culture that acknowledges each and every individual within the scope of a competitive remuneration system.
- Undertaking of regular, fair and objective performance appraisals in consideration of the individual contribution to team success, achievement of objectives and compliance with this code of conduct and internal instructions.
- Encouragement of employee further training and development.
- Maintenance of an ‘open door’ policy offering all employees access to management.
Treat your colleagues with the due respect that you yourself would wish to receive. We envisage an environment characterized by friendly and professional cooperation that embraces mutual support in equal measure to consistent and purposeful job performance – both from you and your colleagues. A common goal can only be achieved if everyone pulls together. And if problems do occur that stand in the way of efficient work - be they of a professional or personal nature - dialog of an open and direct nature must be promptly sought with the respective parties to resolve the situation.
We cultivate a culture of open communication.
Long-term cooperation with our employees, customers and suppliers is a matter of course for LEIBINGER.
2.2 In external business relations
Our credibility as a company is founded on business ethics and integrity. As a globally operative company, it is a self-evident fact for LEIBINGER that all employees having international contact are to observe and follow the laws and regulations of the respective countries. This also includes compliance with trade controls, the applicable provisions of import and export regulations as well as embargoes.
Where the statutory provisions, conventions or other rules in a country in which LEIBINGER operates differ from this code of conduct, the stricter of the respective provisions apply.
Our employees must demonstrate honesty and fairness in all aspects of their work and we expect the same in return from our partners.
The aim is to be a trustworthy and proactive partner for our customers and suppliers. Both in relation to our customers and our suppliers, we pursue constructive, transparent and open dialog based on fairness and mutual respect. We foster correct, transparent and timely communication with our stakeholders. We believe that an awareness of customer needs together with rapid response times, sound professional know-how, and a prompt service, all contribute decisively to the success of our customers and indeed to our own success. We only promise what we can deliver and we respond to customer complaints in accordance with our high standards of integrity and fairness in all cases. Within an open, fair and trustful environment and through the continuous further development and critical analysis of our practices and processes, we strive to achieve excellence in terms of our product quality, sales performance and after-sales service.
Our business activities are founded on a disciplined and sensible approach to risks and trust. We expect all employees to actively reinforce trust in LEIBINGER and its products and, in particular, refrain from any action that could jeopardize this trust. In all their endeavors, employees should always act in a responsible manner and with the requisite care and attention.
LEIBINGER firmly rejects any form of corrupt conduct. Accordingly, our employees must not offer, promise or grant any benefits to customer or potential customer decision-makers either in Germany or abroad, with the aim of gaining preferential treatment or advantage for our company. This also includes gifts and invitations to business dinners or events extending beyond the realm of neutral customer service.
Equally, our employees are also obliged to reject any benefits from third parties capable of giving the impression that our employees may be influenced in terms of their business affairs and decisions. Our employees must never request a personal reward for their own benefit or that of a third party.
Exceptions to this apply solely with respect to customary occasional or promotional gifts and to gifts consistent with the conventions and courtesies of a country.
2.3 Within the company
From day one, the headquarters of Paul LEIBINGER have been located in the district of Tuttlingen and they will also remain there in the future. That is a promise we make to our employees, the region, and also our customers who all value the high quality of LEIBINGER products ‘made in Germany’. To achieve this aim we operate with foresight, taking an economic and social approach.
As a responsible company, we take social responsibility very seriously. In doing so, LEIBINGER regularly provides sponsorship and support for associations, organizations and events in a national setting. Such support is provided in the form of financial and material donations, but also through cooperative partnerships, and exclusively serves the social ideal. No donations are bestowed in pursuit of business gain. Likewise, donations are not made to individual persons, private accounts, political parties in Germany and abroad or to similar organizations.
2.4 Environmental protection
Sustainability – a big word that for LEIBINGER means taking responsibility for the environment, society and the survival of our company, our customers, our partners and, not least, our employees. As a family-run company, this philosophy determines our daily actions and forms a fundamental element of our corporate policy. Our self-appointed goal is to create a balance between people, the environment and profitability.
In terms of its production, LEIBINGER has developed a coherent ecological concept that not only protects the environment but also ensures our competitiveness. Our ecological concept is based on the two fundamental pillars of employing environmentally friendly methods of production and designing our products with eco-friendly features.
Environmental protection in terms of our production, products and buildings:
- Solar energy: Since 1999 LEIBINGER has been drawing energy from its own in-house photovoltaic system.
- Cleaning facility: Through reverse distillation, we reduce solvent emissions.
- Recycling reusable materials: We separate and recycle waste products according to type.
- Effective production planning: LEIBINGER optimizes the operating times of the hardening shop, heating, ventilation and compressors.
- Intelligent lighting: Intelligent lighting management makes optimal use of daylight, including using the latest and most efficient lighting options.
- Low energy consumption and long service life thanks to the optimized power-on times of LEIBINGER inkjet printers.
- Compliance with EU regulations: REACH and RoHS.
- Resource-saving servicing of LEIBINGER inkjet printers.
- Intelligent technology reduces solvent use in LEIBINGER inkjet printers.
2.5 Handling information/data privacy
Protecting the personal data of our customers, employees and business partners is a matter of course for LEIBINGER. As a global company, we ensure compliance with national and international data privacy regulations. Our security standards and actions are aimed at preventing unauthorized access and unlawful use of personal data. This obligation also applies for our business partners and service providers.
The duty of non-disclosure incumbent upon our employees also extends to all business and operational documents and records (originals, copies etc.) used for business or operational purposes that must not be rendered accessible to third parties in any way.
2.6 Avoiding conflicts of interest/secondary employment
We expect our employees to be loyal to the company. Consequently, any secondary employment must not conflict with the interests of LEIBINGER. This specifically applies, for example, to secondary employment with competitors. This does not apply for capital investments with no entrepreneurial influence.
3. Contact
Our employees are required to report infringements of this code of conduct, for which the first point of contact is generally their direct superior. Employees not wishing to raise the issue with a direct superior may also contact the management directly via Mrs. Jana Bodensohn.
No employee may be subject to any disadvantage in the company as a result of compliance with this code of conduct, the law or legislation. The respective contact will document details of any infringements and carefully investigate such. All information will be treated in strict confidence insofar as not otherwise dictated by law.
Infringement of this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action for any employee, including management personnel.

Jana Bodensohn
Executive Assistant
Telefon: +49 (0) 7461 9286 115

4. Validity and application
The principles and rules of conduct set out in this code of conduct form a core component of LEIBINGER corporate culture. Compliance with these principles and rules of conduct throughout the company is an essential requirement that must be maintained both according to the letter and in a general sense. Each employee is personally responsible for compliance.
Management personnel have a special responsibility to set an example and inform their employees of the content of this code of conduct and also provide support for its implementation. In doing so, however, the scope for independent action within permissible boundaries on the part of our employees should not be restricted.
LEIBINGER acts to ensure that the principles and ethical values of our code of conduct are regularly communicated to all company employees in a suitable manner.