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Food and beverages

Consumers increasingly care about a healthy and safe supply chain and want to know what goes into their food and beverages. This is why ingredients, batch numbers and shelf life always need to be clearly identifiable. Producers also care about productivity, which is why LEIBINGER’s continuous inkjet printers – with unique Sealtronic technology – are used around the world to maximize uptime during production.

Drugstore, pharmaceuticals and other consumer goods

Codes on the packaging of consumer, drugstore and pharmaceutical articles are essential. They communicate important consumer information, they enhance the image of your brand, they minimize pre-printed stocks and protect against counterfeiting. Thanks to their wide variety of functions and variants, LEIBINGER’s continuous inkjet printers offer a cost-effective and highly reliable solution for every requirement.

Industrial goods

With industrial products, coding not only fulfills the obligation to declare, but also identifies production units, ensures traceability, controls additional goods flow and optimizes operating processes. This is indispensable when companies need to produce products or systems according to defined standards. LEIBINGER’s continuous inkjet printers ensure that marking and coding systems are highly productive and work hand in hand with your automation solutions.